Disease Management
Pathogens are expanding in new areas never affected before, exacting significant economic cost on the livestock and crop sector. Prevention and early warning for rapid response are essential. Yuktix GidaBits™ is a complete system for early warning and management of disease for farms. The system comprises of sensor devices that captures environmental determinants at the farm and a software that can run disease models to predict the onset of attack. The grower can get early warning and disease management help via Yuktix mobile app.

GidaBits IoT devices are deployed at the farm to capture hyper local weather patterns in real time. The IoT devices are solar powered and extremely easy to install. The device provides temperature, humidity, and leaf wetness sensors out of the box. There is provision to add additional sensors like Rain and soil moisture. The devices send sensors data in real time using a 4G modem. The data is stored on a SD card if the 4G network is not available. The stored data is sent whenever the network becomes available.
Watch Kiran talk to a grower about thrips infestation in capsicum and their management. Thrips infestation affects young leaves, resulting in curling. The eggs can remain in the soil and hatch under favorable conditions. Yuktix GidaBits IoT device can detect the favorable conditions for hatching and warn the growers before infestations occur. With Yuktix GidaBits products, you can
- Get early warnings for pest and diseases infestations
- Save on high contact sprays
- Protect your crop from dangerous diseases like Downey and Blight
- Protect your crop from dangerous pests like thrips and caterpillars
- Grow residue free crops
How it works

The GidaBits™ cloud software can run the disease and PEST models automatically and distribute the early warning to a list of subscribers. The experts can bring in their own disease models for their specialty crops. The GidaBits platform uses delta T calculations and weather forecast to advise on best spraying times. The disease management advisories are dispensed in consultation with agronomists.
The agronomists can use the GidaBits dashboard to access sensors data and calculations and can send disease management advisories to the farms. The system helps to create personalized advisories tailored to the crop being grown at the farm. The platform is scalable in that it takes little effort to add new crop and PEST forecast models and can start dispensing results immediately.
Watch Rajeev present the Yuktix GidaBits disease & PEST management solution as part of KisanMitr platform, organized by office of the principal scientific adviser to the government of India.
Mobile App
GidaBits mobile app helps growers by showing them disease advisories, the best spraying times and disease management advice from the agronomists. The growers can also take pictures using the mobile app and share it with the agronomist for implementing the best management practices. The mobile app is available in vernacular languages to increase the user engagement.