About Us
Yuktix is a government of India recognized startup creating IoT based agri intelligence solutions to increase farm productivity.

Rajeev Jha
19+ experience in software domain Ex-Oracle, Citrix, AOL and couple of other startups

Shailendra Singh
8+ experience in embedded domain Previously worked in Thinvent & Silverline design

Girish Kshirsagar
Veteran of Agriculture industry having 30+ years of experience. Ex. Head, Industrial Operations at Bayer Crop Science.

Dr. GS Prakash
Ex Head, Fruit Crop Division, Indian Institute of Horticulture Research Bangalore. Know as father of Grape root stock in India

Ashish Adya
17 years of PE and investment banking in India, Middle East & Africa. Ex-Standard Chartered Bank, ICICI Venture

Dr. BNS Murthy
Director – Indian Institute of Horticulture Research. Former National Horticulture Commissioner, India.

Dr. MJ Vasudev Rao
Ex President-Agriculture Technology, Meta helix Life Sciences Limited. Over four decades of experience in ICAR, ICRISAT, and international seed companies.

Dr. R. Sudi
Soil and Water management Expert Earlier Researcher at ICRISAT.

Yuktix was part of a cohort of eleven startups selected for the Poland Prize for residency in Poznan. It was part of Brinc (Hardware & IoT) & Scale-Up (Industrial IoT) accelerator program.

Yuktix was part of the second cohort of 14 startups selected for the Karnataka Bio-Startup Advancement Program (K-SAP BIO 50) at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) in Bangalore.

CEATEC, Japan, 2016
Yuktix was part of a top 10 IoT startups delegation from India participating in CEATEC 2016, the largest exhibition and trade fair for advanced electronics and IT in Japan organized by METI, Japan.

India Israel Innovation Challenge
Yuktix was runner up in the first India-Israel Innovation challenge, 2018 in the agriculture sector for our low power monitoring solution for reducing post harvest losses during storage.

Karnataka Idea2POC Winner
Yuktix was the winner of the idea2POC challenge conducted by the Dept. of IT, BT and S&T of Karnataka government. We received a grant for sensor networks for agricultural monitoring at 3 locations.

NASSCOM Emerge 50
Yuktix was selected as one of the top 50 start ups by NASSCOM under the Emerge 50 category for innovation in the agriculture sector using IoT and software to prevent losses in farming.